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End of Year business tips

With the Christmas/New Year period upon us, don’t forget to take some time to do some small business housekeeping to make sure you are finishing up the year strong and setting your business up for success next year.

TIP 1# Pre-prepare payroll for over the break

Despite closing for Christmas, staff still need to be paid and there’s nothing worse than having to interrupt your holiday to process payroll. We suggest pre-preparing your pay runs in your software before you take a break, you’ll often already know the leave staff are taking to be able to enter it into your system. You can also load up the payments into your bank and set to pay at the correct time. Whilst you’re there send out payslips to your staff before you close for the holidays - you also need to continue your reporting under Single Touch Payroll.

TIP 2# Check for any bill payments due over the break

Use your bookkeeping software to identify bills that are due to be paid over the break. Then decide whether you are going to pay them before you close for Christmas or schedule the payments over the break. Maintaining payment terms with your suppliers will ensure you have a positive relationship into the new year.

TIP 3# Be proactive in communicating any office closures

If you plan to close your office over the Christmas and New Year period, there's a few housekeeping tasks you can plan ahead for:

  • Pre schedule your social media posts to communicate office closures, special offers over Christmas, and of course to wish your audience a Merry Christmas. While this can save you some time over the break, it's still important to ensure you allocate resources for continued social media monitoring (whether this is yourself or another staff member).

  • Jump onto your Google My Business page and update your office hours so that anyone who finds you on Google has the most up to date information.

  • Additionally, you might like to use your email signature as a space to remind customers of your closure dates.


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