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What is the role of an accountant in estate planning?

You may think that only lawyers can advise you on estate planning. However all too often we hear about lawyers, particularly franchise or conveyance lawyers who do not specialise in estate planning and not consulting with the client’s accountant, preparing their client estate planning on their own, resulting in estate planning going horribly wrong.

This is because they haven’t taken the time to understand you and your family's situation or do not understand business or investment structures and superannuation or tax considerations. Without a doubt, estate planning is best done with the help of a team of professionals working together.

After seeing first hand as well as hearing of many instances of estate planning disasters, as your trusted accountant we are now able to offer our clients a comprehensive estate planning service, tailor made to your requirements. Your plan is prepared through our partnership with the lawyers and specialist estate planning advisers from Abbott & Mourly to provide you and your family with these important documents in these challenging times.

As a certified practising accountant and SAPEPAA accredited adviser, (Succession, Asset Protection & Estate Planning Advisers Association) we're best equipped to advise on the potential tax implications of your decisions and strategies you can implement that will help you protect your family wealth.

We will lead and coordinate your estate planning preparations, including new and updated Wills, Testamentary Trusts, EPOA’s and Advanced Care Directives to ensure you and your family are protected. As your trusted accountant we know you, 'the client' and your family situation, we know if you have a blended family, we know if you have personal, private and sensitive issues. These are all things that need to be taken into account so that your assets and wealth can transfer to your dependants in a way that they are protected. If you don't have a trusted family lawyer, you are not going to open up and discuss all of your family circumstances to a lawyer that you have just met after booking in an appointment to have your will drawn up. HelloLedger brings a wealth of knowledge of taxes to the table to ensure you create a proper estate plan. Thanks to this intricate knowledge of taxes covering all structure types which includes individuals, partnerships, private companies, discretionary and unit trusts as well as Self Managed Super Funds, Testamentary Trusts and deceased estates, I will be able to tell you the tax implications of every decision you make. This will help you ensure that your estate plan minimises the taxes and maximises the portion of your estate that will be passed down to your beneficiaries.

The next steps we can take together for a fast and simple three step process to implement your EPOA and Will include:

  1. Completing the quick data capture form to get the process started so we can work with Abbott & Mourly to draft your EPOA and Will.

  2. Arranging an appointment to discuss together and review the draft EPOA and Will to ensure it is tax efficient and covers all the bases.

  3. If need be, depending on your family circumstances, arranging a teleconference with the lawyers from Abbott & Mourly to witness the execution of your EPOA and also ensure your Will is validly executed.

As Benjamin Franklin said “In this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” So let HelloLedger help you plan your options properly and we can work closely with our team of legal advisors to develop your plan to protect your assets, minimise tax and ensure the safe transfer to your beneficiaries.


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